Cecily Broomfield
Histologist/ Histology Lab Manager
Cecily Broomfield joined the OBRL in 2009 and is the lab’s histotechnologist and lab manager. She works on a range of projects including industry sponsored, government grants, and student research projects. The OBRL has the capabilities to complete paraffin and plastic embedded histology techniques as well as create individual techniques as the project requires. The OBRL also has a wide range of imaging and analysis software.
Cecily received her BSc in Microbiology from California Polytechnic State University (CalPoly- SLO) in 2000 and MAg in Integrated Resource Management from Colorado State University in 2006. She has worked in a variety of positions from dairy farm manager to environmental compliance before she landed at the OBRL. Cecily is a self -taught histotechnologist specializing in bone (decalcified and undecalcified), and implants of all kinds (including metal, ceramic, mesh). A few of the projects the OBRL has created slides for include rotator cuff mesh implants, cervical and lumbar spine cages and screws, cranial glue, vaginal mesh implants, microgravity bone healing cascade, fluorescent bone labeling, spinal cord injury. Species include mouse, rat, rabbit, dog, sheep, goat, horse and human.
Outside of the lab Cecily enjoys long distance biking and trail running as well as coaching youth wrestling.