Facilities and Services

The Orthopaedic Bioengineering Research Laboratory (“OBRL”; Director: Christian M. Puttlitz, PhD) consists of over 2000 ft2 of laboratory and office space and is part of a consortium for musculoskeletal-related research facilities developed at Colorado State University (CSU).  Other members of the CSU orthopaedic community include the Preclinical Surgical Research Laboratory, Equine Orthopaedic Research Laboratory, and Flint Animal Cancer Center. This consortium’s research resources include cell culture, micro-array and molecular biology facilities, mineralized and soft tissue histology, veterinary surgical facilities, animal care, gait/motion analysis, biomechanical testing, biomaterials development and testing, and computational/finite element analysis facility.

The OBRL is located adjacent to the Translational Medicine Institute and Veterinary Teaching Hospital. The OBRL maintains a self-contained machine shop with endmill, bandsaws, etc. for custom fabrication of mechanical testing fixtures.